A thought
by John Ortberg (2014-04-22) from his book, Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You (p. 157). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to
Amazon.com to buy the book.)
We are going through
some tough times racially right now in our country. And we are forgetting that each person on
each side has the dignity and depth of a soul.
I live in a city where there are many homeless who walk the sidewalks
each day with their hand out and I find it difficult to not forget they have
the depth and dignity of a soul. Some of
you have the same problem with a Democrat and others a Republican. But John here is reminding us of something
that is so easy for us to forget. And
that is we demean people when we forget they have the depth and dignity of a

John continues his
thought with “Even the people I don’t like have souls. The soul cries out for
connection. To love someone with your soul means your will, your choices, your
mind, your thoughts, your feelings, your body, your behaviors, and your habits
are aligned for the good of their entire being before God. We bless the soul
when we love that way. That’s soul love.”
O how we need God’s
love in each of us in the day in which we live especially at this time of the
year. The way we
put Christ into Christmas is through love.
Jesus came to earth as a gift of love to those who were unlovable. Let us do the same.
I like how John ends
this chapter on blessing. He says, “What
if our souls went out in humble love to all the people God brings into our
world? Undeserving, but loved. The soul blesses by loving. Our souls need
So who in your world needs a blessing?
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