A thought
by John Ortberg (2014-04-22) from his book, Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You (p. 126). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the
title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)
There are a lot of verses in the Bible that we love to quote. On the surface we think we know what they
mean but in reality we need to go below the surface. Matthew 11:30 is one of those verses. In the NIV it says, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” and when
our circumstances are difficult then we get confused and our faith is
But John here shares that, “Easy is a soul word, not a circumstance word; not an assignment word. Aim
at having easy circumstances, and life will be hard all around. Aim at having
an easy soul, and your capacity for tackling hard assignments will actually
grow. The soul was not made for an easy life. The soul was made for an easy
yoke.” That is so important for us to
John starts this section by saying, “In the Bible, God never gives
anyone an easy job. God never comes to Abraham, or Moses, or Esther and says, ‘I’d
like you to do me a favor, but it really shouldn’t take much time. I wouldn’t
want to inconvenience you.’ God does not recruit like someone from the PTA. He
is always intrusive, demanding, exhausting. He says we should expect that the
world will be hard, and that our assignments will be hard.”
Now some preachers in their interpretation of what Jesus says can give
you a false sense of what it means to follow Christ but Christ is always honest
and what He says He means.
I last year read through the four stories in the New Testament about
Jesus life here on earth. I read then 13
times. I wanted to reinforce in me what He did and what He wanted and I found
that He did not live an easy life and He asked me to follow Him. He said that I didn’t have to do it alone and
I would find it to be an abundant life, an exciting adventure.
As John said, “Aim at having easy circumstances, and life will be hard
all around. Aim at having an easy soul, and your capacity for tackling hard
assignments will actually grow. The soul was not made for an easy life. The
soul was made for an easy yoke.” It is
your choice.
So what is your aim?
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