“Try a little experiment. It will take all of two days, but it will teach you an important soul lesson.”
A thought
by John Ortberg (2014-04-22) from his book, Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You (p. 169). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to
Amazon.com to buy the book.)
Here is what John says
to do… “Today, when you greet people, begin your conversation with a little
complaint. The Bible calls that grumbling, as in ‘Do everything without
grumbling.’ It might be a complaint about something in your life: your health,
your job, money problems, the fact that you don’t have a spouse, the fact that
you do have the spouse that you have. It might be something about the person
you’re greeting. You don’t like how they’re dressed. Or you just don’t like
their personality, or maybe you’re jealous. Just greet a friend or colleague
with something like, ‘Man, did I have a horrible night’s sleep.’ I’d be
thrilled if you couldn’t think of anything. ”
He continues, “Tomorrow, try to greet
people with a word of gratitude. I hope this is a lot easier for you than
today’s assignment. Think about something you’re genuinely grateful for: your
family, a friend, your health, your job, the weather, your church. It might
sound something like this: ‘Wow, on a morning like this, it just feels good to
be alive, doesn’t it?’”
Then he says, “After
you try this little experiment, ask yourself which day produced more positive
feelings in you. Which day left you feeling vibrant, more alive, and closer to
God? I’m pretty sure I know the answer because the soul thrives on gratitude.
We feel better when we are grateful because the fundamental mind-set of the
life of the soul is gratitude.”
Pretty good idea. Why not give it a try?
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