A thought from Rick Warren (2012-10-23) from his
book, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (p. 354). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to Amazon.com to
buy the book.)
Yes there is a risk of rejection in there but
there is also freedom. As Rick says, “Of
course, vulnerability is risky. It can be scary to lower your defenses and open
up your life to others. When you reveal your failures, feelings, frustrations,
and fears, you risk rejection. But the benefits are worth the risk.
Vulnerability is emotionally liberating. Opening up relieves stress, defuses
your fears, and is the first step to freedom.”
He continues, “The more honest you are, the more
of God’s grace you get. You will also receive grace from others. Vulnerability
is an endearing quality; we are naturally drawn to humble people.
Pretentiousness repels but authenticity attracts, and vulnerability is the
pathway to intimacy.”
God has built you just the way you are with your
strengths and your weaknesses. He wants
you to be real. There is great stress in
life to strive to be someone else. That
is really tough but there is freedom to be you.
No one else is you. So just relax
and be you.
Now sin can mess it all up but by giving yourself
to God the sin is forgiven and you are able to be you. And by being you others are free ro be
themselves around you. And that frees
So who are you trying to be?
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