A thought by Mark Batterson (2011-12-13) from his
book Be a Circle Maker: The Solution to 10,000 Problems Kindle Location 255). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
I know
some people who didn’t want to take swimming lessons because they didn’t know
how to swim. That is the reason why we
take swimming lessons so we can learn to swim.
The same is true when God calls us to do something for Him. That is where the dependency on Him comes
in. If we do it in our own ability then
we will get the credit. He wants His power
to mold us and qualify us.
I was
talking this past Sunday at Forefront Church with Ivan a friend of mine who is
a sculptor. I really enjoyed hearing his
story and hearing about his dreams. He talked about his first sculpture.
His teacher had given him a square piece of Styrofoam and Ivan’s assignment
was to create something from that bloc. The
teacher saw both the potential in the bloc and the potential in Ivan. Ivan had never done anything like that before
but he sat there looking at it until finally he remembered what another artist
had said which was to just take away until what is inside appears. So Ivan started working with his thumbs
crumbling away the Styroform until a beautiful sculpture appeared.
I think
that is a great picture of God. He calls
us because He sees a task and He sees the potential within us to do the
task. It may take years of preparation but
He knows we can do it or He wouldn’t have called us. Just accept His call and His leadership and
let Him mold you into the person He sees you can be. Just trust Him and say yes.
So what
is He calling you to do?
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