“You cannot resolve your differences with God if you are unwilling to resolve your differences with the people around you.”
A thought by Andy Stanley (2009-08-22) in his book, It Came from Within!: The Shocking Truth of What Lurks in the Heart (p. 115). Multnomah Books. Kindle Edition.
says that over and over. He cannot
forgive unless you forgive. What does it
say in the Lord’s Prayer, Father forgive us our sins as we forgive those who
sin against us. It goes hand in hand.
So wouldn’t
it be great to look into the New Year with resolved differences with the people
around you? Maybe it’s a parent or a
brother or sister? Could be your spouse
or one of your children? Maybe it is someone
at work or even at church? What about
your neighbor or one of your friends? Whoever
it is, get on the phone and strive to resolve it now. Of course you understand it takes two but you
strive to do your part.
thing to realize is if they have died or if they don’t know you have ever had
an issue with them then you resolve it in your own heart. Go back to the situation and forgive them for
the action that has caused you pain. Release
them from the differences that have caused the conflict. Take care of the problem inside you. Maybe strive to understand their side or even
just give them the benefit of the doubt.
somehow resolve the difference before the New Year starts so you can resolve
your differences with God. That is the
relationship that you want right going into 2012.
So where
do you need to start?
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