“Our preferences for stability and security blind us to the opportunities for adventure when they present themselves.”
A thought by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch (2011-04-15) in their book, The Faith of Leap (Shapevine) (p. 31). Baker Books. Kindle Edition.
Tony Campolo in his sermon, Revolutionary Love, tells of a study that was taken of people over 95 and they asked them the question, “If you had to do it all over again, what would you do differently?” The 3 most distinct answers were: reflect more, risk more, and do more things that would live on after their death. Save more for retirement didn’t make the top 3.
We spend most of our time worrying about things that really won’t matter when we come down to the end of our lives. But the problem is those worries keep us from seeing those things that really make a difference in our lives.
I am a retired church planter. What that means is I started churches that had no people. I have lived a life of no security but an awesome life of adventure and challenge.
I remember when we were moving as a family to Las Vegas, Nevada to plant a church that I had a friend say, “There is no way I would raise my daughter in that town.” But Brett and Stef grew up as teenagers there and they grew stronger in their faith and character because they lived there. Yes it was a risk as parents but GOD honored our faithfulness and protected our family in that very sinful town. Our living in Vegas as a family was some of the most rewarding days for our family.
Margaret and I even in my retirement took the risk of moving to one of the most expensive places to live, Long Island, just east of New York City. We have loved the adventure and the excitement of living 30 miles from the most exciting city in the world.
Now the amazing thing is GOD is taking care of us better than we could ever have imagined or expected. I also know HE has a new adventure in store for us. HE is not done!!!
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