“The most recent data available shows that just 24 percent of all men and women ages fifteen to forty-four who have never been married are still virgins.”
A thought by George Barna (2011-05-15) in his book Futurecast: What Today's Trends Mean for Tomorrow's World (Kindle Locations 467-468). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
I never realized how our family wasn’t with it. Every one of us – husband, wife, son, daughter, son in law, daughter in law – was a virgin when we were married. Somewhere we missed the memo that said we were supposed to go along with the norm.
Now that meant that each one of us didn’t need to worry about whether their partner had a STD or a child somewhere. But it did mean that each one was an individualist who didn’t let someone else pressure them into doing something they didn’t want to do before they were married.
Now for me personally it meant I chose that path. But let’s say I didn’t and I was one of the 76 percent who isn’t a virgin. Now if that is true I do know one thing and that is GOD loves me just as much as if I was a 24 percent person. HIS love for me isn’t based on me being a 24 percent person but HIS love for me doesn’t protect me from some of the consequences from being a 76 percent person. HE will forgive me no matter what if I ask HIM but the potential consequences will still be there. Now the forgiveness goes a long way from turning the bad to good.
Now I recommend being a 24 percent person but I also recommend forgiveness if you are a 76’er. GOD’s love is there for all and so is HIS forgiveness.
How about you?
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