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"Problems always bring opportunities, and opportunities always bring problems."

A thought by John C. Maxwell (2013-10-08) from his book, Sometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn:Life's Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses (p. 156). Center Street. Kindle Edition. There is a reason why God gave us a brain.   He gave it to be used.   For some Christians the knees are all they use.   Prayer is very important but so is thinking.   Problems give us so many opportunities to learn and grow.   They also give us the opportunity to soar. John give a tremendous illustration of this in the way an eagle meets the challenge of turbulent winds.   He says, “Turbulent winds cause the eagle to fly higher… Turbulent winds give the eagle a larger view…   Turbulent winds lift the eagle above harassment... Turbulent winds allow the eagle to use less effort… Turbulent winds allow the eagle to stay up longer... Turbulent winds help the eagle to fly faster.” Think about how you can solve the problem and how you can use it.   ...

“Lack of communication and poor communication not only prevent us from solving problems, they can also create problems of their own.”

A thought by John C. Maxwell (2013-10-08) from his book, Sometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn:Life's Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses (p. 154). Center Street. Kindle Edition. That is so true.   There are so many problems that happens to us because we don’t really understand what someone is saying or where they are coming from.   And understanding is so important in good communication. An example would be if I use the word chesterfield in a conversation with you.   Now when I use it I am talking about a cigarette.   That was a brand of cigarettes.   But if you were from certain sections of Canada that would be a couch.   So if I don’t know you and where you come from then I would have a problem in communicating what I was trying to communicate because my definition of that word would be different from your definition.   In other words, I could be talking with you but not communicating with you. Now so much of the time we c...

"Patience is a virtue in problem solving if you are at the same time doing all that you can to fix the situation."

A thought by John C. Maxwell (2013-10-08) from his book, Sometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn:Life's Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses (p. 152). Center Street. Kindle Editio n. He then says, “It is not a virtue if you are waiting, hoping that the problem will solve itself or just go away. Problems demand that we pay them attention. Why? Because left alone they almost always get worse.” Let me give you an example.  Over the holidays I have gained about 18 lbs. that I had lost.  That is a problem that I can feel in my joints and it has the potential to make me an invalid in my later years.  That is what I know will happen if I am just patient and do nothing.  I have to do something drastic at my age to lose the weight.  And that is where the patience comes in.  Weight doesn’t come off fast at 65+.  So I have gone back to doing what I know will help to solve my weight problem and I am patient in believing that if I keep doing it or w...

"Some people experience one problem three or more times."

A thought by John C Maxwell (2013-10-08) from his book, Sometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn:Life's Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses (p. 150). Center Street. Kindle Edition. John continues, “They experience it the first time when they worry about the problem. They experience it the second time when it actually occurs. And they live it again as they keep reliving it!” We all do that don’t we?   We make the problem bigger than it may be.   We exaggerate it.   John then said, “Do that and you may be defeated before the problem ever occurs!” Defeat never solves a problem.   Action does and a realistic perspective does.   Now you may need some help but running from it is not the key.   Now over in the first chapter of James in the Bible, God says that we can ask for wisdom.   That doesn’t come from worry.   That comes from faith in God and faith in yourself.   Just ask for wisdom and also ask for energized abilit...