A thought by David Jeremiah, from his book, Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World (p. 42). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.)
So true, so true.
David says, "God’s responsibility is to make the promise; ours is to stay focused on it in the face of fear. To achieve success, Joshua and the new generation of Israelites had to focus their minds and hearts on the purpose God had given them."
David goes on, "There’s a special, liberating power in knowing exactly what it is we must do. That’s why people derive great satisfaction from making and checking off to-do lists. To boil down all the complexities of the day into bullet points of activity is to see our way to productivity. On the other hand, whole organizations fail because people are confused about their job descriptions. Set a clear focus in your life, and fear will be crowded out. The more you fix your hope on God’s purpose for you, the more you will overcome your fear."
He later says, "When I’ve faced challenges in my life, I’ve drawn inspiration from envisioning Joshua at the banks of his river, learning to be strong and courageous, or holding on to the words of Paul: 'If God is for us, who can be against us?' (Romans 8:31). These inspiring passages persuade me to be firm and willing to take risks for God. I believe this practice will work for you as well."
It's in focusing our hope on God's purpose for us, isn't it? Yes, yes! #continuethought
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