A thought by Charles R. Swindoll, from his book, Jesus: 09 (Great Lives Series) (p. 48). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.)
Here is another interesting thought.
Charles says, "Disciples, through the teaching of their mentor, were to become reproductions of their master. If they failed to learn or did something publicly embarrassing, critics would look past the pupil to condemn the teacher. So, naturally, teachers took great care to choose disciples who not only had promise, but would completely submit to their instruction. A person could ask a rabbi to become his mentor, but the relationship didn’t begin until the teacher extended an invitation."
He goes on, "Another potential disciple named Philip lived in Judea, perhaps with extended family in the little town of Emmaus, seven miles or so from Jerusalem. Jesus knew him to be from Bethsaida, 'house of fish,' a fishing village on the northern banks of the Sea of Galilee that had recently been built into a city to honor the daughter of Caesar Augustus. Furthermore, not coincidentally, it was also the hometown of Andrew, Peter, and John. Upon finding him, Jesus extended a mentor’s invitation: 'Follow Me.” Philip responded positively and invited his brother Nathaniel to meet Jesus. After a short discourse, Jesus was impressed with his straightforward manner and Nathaniel, too, became a disciple."
He then says, "We don’t know what happened then to Simon, Andrew, and John. Perhaps they thought Jesus had no interest in them as disciples and returned to their normal routines at home and on the sea. All we know for certain is that sometime later—days, perhaps weeks—they had returned to their trade along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Soon, their paths crossed again. However, the reunion was anything but chance."
We too can get off track, can't we? But Jesus still has us in sight. And we do have a choice. So let's not waste the opportunity of a relationship with Christ? He has not left us. By the way, they all three found there way back. And so can we if we have wandered off. And remember, discipleship is still no small matter. Will you continue to follow Him or will you come back? Will you? Yes, yes! #continuethought
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