A thought by Mark Batterson (2014-09-02) from his
book, The Grave Robber: How Jesus Can Make Your Impossible Possible (p. 141). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle
Edition. (Click on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)
Mark in this chapter
of his book is dealing with the feeding of the 5,000 with five loaves and two
fish. Now if we crunch those numbers, 5 +
2 does not = 5,000. No way. And we do that over and over in our lives don’t
we? But the equation had another
variable to it that makes all the difference and it was 5 + 2 + God and that does = 5,000. And that is true in your life too.
As Marks says, “Your
job is not to crunch numbers and audit the will of God. After all, the will of
God is not a zero sum game. When you add God to the equation, His output always
exceeds your input. And your two fish can go a lot further than you imagine if
you put them into His hands.”
Just remember that as
you face whatever you are facing this week.
The equation of yours and my life is totally different with God in
Andrew was the apostle that the little boy offered to share his lunch to help feed the large group and Mark says, “When
the little boy offered to share his lunch, Andrew’s reaction was, ‘Thanks, but
no thanks!’ He didn’t think it would make a difference: ‘How far will they go
among so many?’ (John 6: 9) But Andrew
was overanalyzing the situation, and he almost missed the miracle because of
Let’s not do
that. God wants to work it out in our
lives and He really cares about you. He
has a plan and He can be trusted. Let
Him have what you have and make a difference through it. Let Him have you.
So what is it you are facing
this week?
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