A thought by Leonard Sweet (2012-02-01) from his book, 11: Indispensable Relationships You Can’t Be Without (Kindle Locations 651-652). David C. Cook. Kindle Edition . That is really true. I appreciate what Leonard Sweet is saying here. We need other people to give us a correct assessment of our own strengths and best assets. This has been what I have prided myself in, the fact that I really knew me and didn’t need other people but that came from what I think was a protecting of myself from differing opinions. This wasn’t what God really had in mind for me in realizing my full potential in Him. I love the self-assessment tests that we can use in our important search for who we are. I have used a number of them. Have you ever taken the test in the back of StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath and then read it with the results in hand? It is such a valuable tool in this area. I t is someone else who helps in the correct v...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...