”In the Scriptures forgiveness is never presented as a feeling; it is always described as a decision.”
A though
by Andy Stanley (2009-08-22) from his book, It Came from Within!: The Shocking Truth of What Lurks in the Heart (p. 145).
Multnomah Books. Kindle Edition.
Have you ever thought about
forgiveness that way? Usually we say, “I’ll
forgive you when I feel l like it,” but the truth is with that attitude you
will never feel like it so you will lose.
You see, not forgiving hurts
us more than it hurts the other person. It
hurts you inside, it hurts you in your other relationships and it hurts you
with God. He said, He can’t forgive you
if you don’t forgive others. So if you
don’t forgive them until you feel like it then Satan will make sure you never
feel like it.
No, you and I forgive because
we choose to do it. Not because they
deserve it, but because God demands it and you need to do it to break the
chains that have bound you to the action of the other person that has hurt you
so much. Forgiveness frees you.
I had a situation that had
happened to me some 5 years ago. That person
came to my mind while I was doing my morning walk today and I had a
conversation with them in my mind while I was walking. I gave it to them and then I realized that I was
wrong even though they had wronged me. I
then had a conversation with God about the situation and I forgave the person
even though they never asked me too but just because God had laid it on my
heart to do it. And I have been freed
from that situation and that person and that pain through forgiveness.
I chose to forgive them even
though I may not have felt like it. I listened
to God’s voice not my self-protection voice.
So who do you need/want to
forgive today?
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