A thought from Andy Stanley (2009-08-22) from his
book, It Came from Within!: The Shocking Truth of What Lurks in the Heart (p. 46). Multnomah Books. Kindle Edition.
scandal that is now coming out at Penn State University sure proves the bad
part of this thought. The reputation of
the football program was one of integrity.
They may have appeared to be upright from a recruiting standpoint but
the fact that an upstanding, highly successful assistant coach was molesting
young boys finally is coming out. The fact also that some in the administration
were covering it up shows what the real heart of the program was. Who they really are is coming finally to the
are also seeing a part of that in our Presidential campaign. Eventually it will come out who is good and
who is bad, whether it is the attacker or the attacked. Time will eventually show what the truth
says the same thing over in Matthew 12.34
(NIV), for out of the heart the mouth speaks. Who we really are will eventually come
out through our words and actions. We
may try to hide it but it will come out.
Another way to say it is, who you are in the dark will eventually come
out in the light.
Here is the key; Jesus is in the heart
business. He can change the heart. Just ask Him.
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