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”In the Scriptures forgiveness is never presented as a feeling; it is always described as a decision.”

A though by Andy Stanley (2009-08-22) from his book,   It Came from Within!: The Shocking Truth of What Lurks in the Heart (p. 145). Multnomah Books. Kindle Edition. Have you ever thought about forgiveness that way?  Usually we say, “I’ll forgive you when I feel l like it,” but the truth is with that attitude you will never feel like it so you will lose. You see, not forgiving hurts us more than it hurts the other person.  It hurts you inside, it hurts you in your other relationships and it hurts you with God.  He said, He can’t forgive you if you don’t forgive others.  So if you don’t forgive them until you feel like it then Satan will make sure you never feel like it. No, you and I forgive because we choose to do it.  Not because they deserve it, but because God demands it and you need to do it to break the chains that have bound you to the action of the other person that has hurt you so much.  Forgiveness frees you. I had a situation that had happened to me some 5

“Is Jesus’ vision that we live as disconnected individuals who use everything, including him, to meet our personal needs?”

A thought by Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson (2011-07-19) from their book, Rumors of God: Experience the Kind of Faith You´ve Only Heard Abou t (Kindle Location 1529). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. I am having some problems with some of the issues that we as CHRIST followers champion.  We came and founded this country on religious freedom but we are now it seems on the side of restricting people from coming to the USA.  Something about that they might take jobs away from us. I heard someone say that our poverty level here would be the middle class in Europe.  That’s not even talking about some of the countries in Africa.  It is no wonder that the world wants to come here.  Our poverty level is a major step up to the rest of the world.   Now I do appreciate the fact that the Evangelical world has gotten the vision to help those in need in a greater measure but we may have a problem with them sitting next to us in church.  I will give and I will go but I don’t want them co

“You make decisions today as if today is isolated from tomorrow.”

A thought by Andy Stanley (2009-03-31) from his book, The Principle of the Path: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be (Kindle Location 658). Thomas Nelson - A. Kindle Edition. There are principles in life that need to be learned at an early age that will make a difference in the effectiveness of our lives.  One principle that is sabotaged by many parents with their children is the principle of cause and effect.  Their child gets in trouble at school and the parent blames the school.  Of course it is not their kids fault.  But that attitude will have far reaching consequences on the child at facing responsibilities for their actions. You see we all need to understand that each action does not stand alone but that it has consequences both positive or negative that go with it.  Let me give you an example.  I am 64 years of age.  I will turn 65 in three months.  Now a few years back I realized that I was slowly because of inactivity turning into an invalid s

“Is your goal how long you live or that you live?”

A thought by Erwin Raphael McManus in his book, Chasing Daylight: Seize the Power of Every Moment (Kindle Location 1037). Kindle Edition . What if that had been Jesus’ goal?  God sent Him to earth to experience life as we know it and to be an example for how He wants us to live it but He died when He was in His thirties.  Longevity was not His goal, impact was. What about you?  I know many people who all they are living for is retirement.  They are worried about having enough money to survive.  That is always on their mind.  Now to me that is not living that is existing.  Living life to its fullest is all about service not about security.   Jesus showed us how to really live life to its fullest.  He lived out the purpose that God sent Him to earth to do.  He came to give His life so we could live.  So if He is our example why do we put all out life into getting to the point that we do nothing?  That is a wasted life, a life with a wrong purpose. God has created each one

“The most pernicious aspect of procrastination is that it can become a habit.”

A thought by Steven Pressfield, (2010-08-30) from his book, The War Of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle (p. 22). PREMIERE. Kindle Edition . My wife, Margaret and I have just in the last two weeks moved from Long Island in New York to Seminole, Florida which is between the Gulf of Mexico and Tampa Bay.  We have been working hard to get our condo here organized and also doing some fun and exploration.  I said all of that to say that I have not been reading and writing as a priority.  But I finally wrote yesterday my first post here on JCTT in 2 weeks and it felt good.  I did not want procrastination to become a habit.  I wanted the writing of this blog to get back into being a daily habit. There are some things that are a good habit.  My getting up every morning at the same time as a retired person is a good habit.  My posting my other blog, bill’s front porch at the same time six days a week is a good habit.  My taking vitamins every day is a good habit.  My walking 6 d

“Learning about something new forces your mind out of its natural tendencies.”

A thought by Mark Batterson (2009-12-09) from his book, Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianit y (Kindle Location 1819). Random House, Inc. Kindle Edition. Do you read?  Well I guess you do, you’re reading this blog and I congratulate you.  Reading is one of the greatest ways to expanding your knowledge and potential.  I love to read and my family loves to read. One of the main purposes of this blog is to expose people to different writers.  Let me remind you that if you hit the title of the book under the highlighted thought of each post you will be sent to the section in where you can order the book, usually new or used and if you chose you can also get the Kindle edition instantly.  I do this to help you grow in your mind, in your character, in your relationships, in your life.  Learning can be the key and reading is one of the great ways to learn. So if you would like to continue the thought of an author that I have posted and see more of what he

“One way we glorify God is by exploring and educating ourselves about everything He has created.”

A thought by Mark Batterson (2009-12-09) from his book, Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity (Kindle Location 1411). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition . I love the opportunity to explore.  I am fortunate to have been given the opportunity to see what other places are like.  I have lived on both coast and in the South and the North.  I was almost born in a car.  The only state I haven’t been to is Alaska.  I love to explore. Margaret and I are headed into a new experience.  We are moving from Long Island in New York to Seminole, Florida.  I have already lived in Seminole but I have never lived in my own home.  That for us is a new adventure.  I have already explored Home Depot as a homeowner.  That is a different experience than visiting it as renter.  There is more you can do in your own home. But the wonder of exploring God’s creating is a way to glorify Him.  Psalm 121.1 & 2 is one of my life verses.  The Message interprets it this way, “I look up to