A thought by Gary Chapman, from his book, When Sorry Isn't Enough (p. 10). Moody Publishers. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.) This could be an important subject at this time of the year. Gary continues, "That is because we have different 'languages' of apology. He says, " 'I have seen this often in my counseling,' Dr. Jennifer Thomas said. 'One spouse says, " 'If he would only apologize,' " and the other says, " 'I have apologized.' " So they get into an argument about what it means to apologize. Of course, they have different perceptions.' "I have observed numerous couples in my office exhibiting similar behavior. It was obvious they were not connecting with each other. The supposed apology was not having the desired effect of forgiveness and reconciliation. I also remember occasions in my own marriage when Karolyn would apologize but I considered it rather weak, ...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...