“This ‘calamity-is-proof- of-guilt’ attitude lives on with us today, a blunder as old as time itself.”
A thought by Charles R. Swindall, from his book, Start Where You Are, Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) It still does. Charles says, “The classic case in Scripture is Job. Here was an upright man who worked hard, dealt honestly with people, reared a fine family, and walked with his God. Then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a whirlwind of multiple tragedies drove the man to his knees. “It was bad enough to lose his livestock and all other means of income, but on top of that he lost each one of his children, and finally . . . his health. With hardly a moment between these calamities to catch his breath and gain a measure of equilibrium, Job was reduced to a painful hulk of humanity, covered from head to toe with oozing skin ulcers. “Exit: compassion. “Enter: thoughtless counselors of blame. ” He continues, “One man after another pointed a long, bony finger into the face of th...