A thought by John C. Maxwell from his book, Leadershift (p. 111). HarperCollins Leadership. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) And we want that, don’t we? John says, “You’ve probably heard the expression, ‘It doesn’t get any better than this.’ Well, I have news for you. It can get better. Everything can get better. And as leaders, we should be catalysts for improvement. We need to champion the idea expressed by poet James Russell Lowell, who said, ‘Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but making something out of it after it is found.’” John goes on, “I have a process for making things better that I use with my team. I call it 10-80-10. Whenever we start on a task or project, the first thing I do is identify the target, which represents approximately 10 percent of the process. So, the first 10 of 10-80-10 focuses on knowing what we want to accomplish. After all, how can I find what I don’t know that I’m looking for? Thi...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...