A thought by John Ortberg from his book, The Me I Want to Be (p. 83). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) Ok, but is this a good thing? John goes on, “If we could purge away all our sin, we would still desire material things because God created that stuff. All stuff, ultimately, is part of God’s creation, and therefore it is all good. And therefore, it is desirable. “Do you like money? In Acts 16 we read about Lydia, a businesswoman dealing in textiles, who was the first convert to Christianity in Europe. She had an eye for design and a flair for making money. Imagine the passion and drive it would take for a woman to succeed in business in the ancient world. She was good enough at it that she owned her own home, and it was large enough that it became part of her ministry. Lydia’s house became the first meeting place of the first church in the history of Europe. Of all the churches built over all the centuries — No...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...