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“When you do things for the right reason, it gives you inner strength when things go wrong.”

A thought by John C Maxwell, (2012-10-02) from his book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential (p. 24). Center Street. Kindle Edition. I feel at this time of the year it is important to do some reflection, reevaluation and then some refocus and repentance before the New Year starts.   If I am living for the right reason then I can face anything.   The right reason gives me confidence. You see, if you are doing something from a wrong motive there is an undercurrent of guilt which causes me to believe that I don’t deserve any good to happen in my life.   So when things go wrong I believe that it’s because I am being punished.   I don’t deserve anything good so I am always waiting for the bad things to happen.   But with right motives I see the things that will go wrong as learning times or strengthening times that will eventually help me to reach my goal.   The wrong things are not enemies but friends.   ...

“Each one of us is a new telling of God’s unending love story.”

A thought by Leonard Sweet, (2012-03-13) in his book, What Matters Most: How We Got the Point but Missed the Person (Kindle Location 1562). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition. We are headed into one of the most positive days in the world.   It doesn’t matter your belief in what it stands for or your understanding of it, is a great day because of all the gifts.   It is a day that we are the most like God because God is a giver. Now one of the greatest gifts He gave you and me was our opportunity for life.   We are a new telling of God’s unending love story.   He gave us the potential of life because He loved us.    This past year has been an unending story of God’s love for Margaret and me.   I mean, we got to live on Long Island, New York, then Seminole, Florida and now Pasadena, California.   It has been unbelievable.   And we also added a new member to our family, Harper Olivia Cole.   Over and over, God has weaved His l...

“Christian love is a form of plagiarism: We repeat and copy God’s love.”

A thought by Leonard Sweet, (2012-03-13) in his book, What Matters Most: How We Got the Point but Missed the Person (Kindle Location 597). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition. This is a form of plagiarism that we don’t seem to be using.   Notice how we respond when someone wants to wish us a happy holiday instead of a merry Christmas.   Or how we’ve handled the just past election and those who were on the other side.   Or those who are on one side or the other on the gun issue, or those who love Fox News and those who don’t.   I’ve just noticed that I’m not showing much of God’s love in what I just wrote.   It had a judgment tone to it, didn’t it?   The truth is, love shows its truest form in dealing with someone who disagrees with me.   Didn’t Jesus say something in His hillside sermon about loving your enemies? Our stands that we make in Jesus name goes a long way to show how weak or strong our relationship is with Jesus.   The...

“Healthy doses of fear can serve to propel us out of binding circumstances and into positive action.”

A thought by Leonard Sweet, (2012-03-13), from his book, Viral: How Social Networking Is Poised to Ignite Revival (p. 29). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition. From what I gather, we are headed into a very fearful time for our nation.   It is some kind of a cliff or something.   And it seems like those who are CHRIST followers are some of the most outspoken and the most fearful. I wonder if God may allow it to happen so we would quit putting our trust so much in our government, our economy, our jobs, our political party, our circumstances and more in Him.   He has a plan and He wants to fulfill it through us.   And fear can be one of His means of waking us up to His plan and His possibilities and to wake up our creativity to solving the mess we in our self-centeredness have gotten us into. What do you think?   

“Your crisis is your greatest opportunity to see God’s glory and goodness revealed—and to have the high honor of revealing him to others.”

A thought by Steven Furtick, (2010-09-21) from his book, Sun Stand Still: What Happens When You Dare to Ask God for the Impossible (p. 148). Multnomah Books. Kindle Edition. An unexpected crisis can be such a horrible experience or a tremendous opportunity.  I really believe that this financial crisis that our nation has been going through is a tremendous opportunity for us as Christians to show nonbelievers what a difference Christ makes in our lives.  He is great and He is good.  He can change the circumstance or He can change us in the circumstance if we let Him.  in either way,  I don’t want to waste this opportunity. All of us go through these unexpected tough times.  They are a part of life.  As the Bible says, “It rains on the just and the unjust.”    The difference is in how we view it and how we use it. Margaret and I have gone through, are going through, and will go through tough times.  And our experience h...

“In some ways, negative self-talk can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

A thought by Craig Groeschel, (2012-04-24) from his book, Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World (p. 65). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. This is so true for so many people.  They burn their toast in the morning and they say inside, “Well this is going to be a horrible day ”  and with that thought they set out to prove they were right.  All they would have had to do was throw the burnt toast away and start over. My day today was great.  Just like yesterday and the day before.  How about yours?

“If you show me a struggling relationship, I’ll show you one filled with toxic words.”

A thought by Craig Groeschel, (2012-04-24) from his book, Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World (p. 64). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. Toxic, negative, put down, angry words tear down relationships.  And up-lifting, reinforcing, positive, encouraging words build up relationships.  If you want to know why your relationship is struggling then you need to check out your own words.  Not your mate’s words but your words. Why are you so negative?  Where is it coming from?  Is the problem in you?  Remember, you have no control over them; you just have control over you and your attitude toward them.  Start saying loving words to them and then see if it kindles a spark inside of you.  As the old song said, “It only takes a spark to get a fire going.”    Now I know this is simplistic but why don’t you give it I try?