A thought by Craig Groeschel,
(2012-04-24) from his book, Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World (p. 64). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
negative, put down, angry words tear down relationships. And up-lifting, reinforcing, positive, encouraging
words build up relationships. If you
want to know why your relationship is struggling then you need to check out
your own words. Not your mate’s words
but your words.
Why are you so
negative? Where is it coming from? Is the problem in you? Remember, you have no control over them; you
just have control over you and your attitude toward them. Start saying loving words to them and then
see if it kindles a spark inside of you.
As the old song said, “It only takes a spark to get a fire going.”
Now I know
this is simplistic but why don’t you give it I try?
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