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Showing posts with the label The Law of Happiness

“A great body of research has shown us what goes into happiness.”

A thought by Henry Cloud, from his book, The Law of Happiness: How Spiritual Wisdom and Modern Science Can Change Your Life (The Secret Things of God) (p. 11). Howard Books. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to to buy the book.) And that is good to know what it shows, isn’t it? Henry says, “Here is the math: … circumstances may be contributing about 10 percent or so to your happiness. If life is going well, you get a lift, and if life circumstances are not so great (other than times of great tragedy or trauma, which can bring a season of great pain), you get a little downturn. This is the first 10 percent of why you feel like you do.” He goes on, “The next factor comes from your internal makeup, which is probably composed of genetic, temperament, and constitutional factors. This seems to account for about 50 percent of your happiness level. (1) Go to any infant nursery, and you can almost see the different levels at work. Some babies are happ

“Circumstantial happiness does not last.”

A thought by Henry Cloud, from his book, The Law of Happiness: How Spiritual Wisdom and Modern Science Can Change Your Life (The Secret Things of God) (p. 8). Howard Books. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to to buy the book.) Have you found that true, yet? Henry says, “Psychological research has shown something else about ‘getting’ or ‘achieving’ some external, circumstantial state as the path to happiness: It does not last. It has a short shelf life. So, not only do our circumstances and achievements account for only a small percentage of our happiness, but even what they are able to contribute evaporates pretty quickly. Why? “It seems that there is some sort of ‘set point’ to our level of happiness that we carry around, almost like a thermostat. (1) Let’s say your set point from factors other than circumstances is at 70. Then you get that new house, and you jump up to 80 or, for a day, to what feels like 100! This happens, for