A thought by Touré Roberts in his book, Balance, (p. 9). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.)
He continues the thought, "it’s the place where the sun always shines!"
He says, "I share my fascination with the midnight sun in order to illustrate the concept of balance. While I explored various other analogies to help describe my understanding of balance, none of them captivated my attention as did the vivid particulars of what it would be like to enjoy sunshine 24-7. Although I’ve experienced balance in the way that I want to share with you, it can be challenging to explain. Once you get it, your own internal light begins to shine, but getting it requires insight, revelation, and practice.
"As we begin our journey to balance, we must first realize that balance is not a discipline, an activity, or an exercise. Balance is a place. That’s right, Balance has a location, and going forward, when I refer to Balance—the place—I will capitalize it in order to distinguish it from the other notions and usages of balance. Those who find the location of Balance learn to live in it and experience its midnight sun, a never-diminishing light rich in the warmth of affirmation, the solid foundation of truth, clarity that dispels confusion, creativity that activates the impossible, more wisdom than they could ever apply, and of course, among many other things, let us not forget happiness."
He goes on, "Please allow me to be very clear. My reference to Balance as a place is not hyperbole. Balance really is a place, but perhaps in a way that is different from what you might first consider. You won’t find Balance on a map, on a globe, or in an atlas. Balance isn’t a physical place. It’s a spiritual place within a spiritual dimension, and I can’t imagine where or who I would be if I hadn’t discovered the way into its wonders."
He then says, "Balance is a place where the sun is always shining. There is no night there. In this environment of ever-present light, truth is continuously illuminated. Balance allows you to see yourself and those around you without the distortion and perversion that Night, the antagonist of Balance, introduces.
"It’s like waking up in a familiar room in the middle of the night and being frightened by the sinister shapes around you. A favorite hat appears to be the face of an unwelcome stranger. Once the light is turned on again in your room, you realize that you’re safe and secure. It was only the darkness playing tricks on your mind. Sure, you’ll be able to get back to sleep eventually, but only after reassuring yourself with what you know to be true. You not only lose some blissful sleep, but—most important—you lose the gift of peace that our lives were meant to be governed by."
And peace is a gift we search for and need, isn't it? Yes, yes! #continuethought
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