A thought by Mark Batterson from his book, Play the Man: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be (p. 71). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)
For many, they have trouble believing they can just make it through the last hour especially when it comes to temptation.

He goes on, “This might seem like a Jedi mind trick, but let me ask a question I ask everyone who is struggling with addiction: Do you think you can win the battle for one day? By the time a person comes to see me, they’re usually battling a habitual sin that seems unbeatable. They feel so defeated that it’s tough to even try again. But still, nobody has ever said no to my question.
Mark then says, “All you have to do is focus on winning the day! Quit worrying about tomorrow. Don’t focus on next week, next month, or next year. Win the day. Leverage today’s victory tomorrow. Minimize the losing streaks by not letting bad days turn into bad weeks, bad months, or bad years. Then string some wins together. Before you know it, the momentum will shift and you’ll be playing offense again.”
A favorite phrase of mine is a synch by the inch but hard by the yard. So, let’s focusing on winning today. And let's start right now. Ok?
Yes, yes!
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