A thought by James MacDonald (2010-05-03) from his book, 10 Choices: A Proven Plan to Change Your Life Forever (Kindle Location 1660). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) Now the Bible is God’s Word. His word has the power to do unbelievable things in our life. As James says, “The Bible is the decree of God. God has eternally determined that what is written there will happen. That’s why, in the face of temptation, Jesus said, It is written . . . it is written . It will be as God said.” But so many of us don’t treat it like that. As James says, “ So me people treat the Bible like rental car insurance.” He says, “I would guess that most people waive the extra rental car insurance. If you’re like me, you think to yourself, The rental car costs plenty already. Now they want me to add $ 35 a day for the insurance? I haven’t had an accident in ten years. What are the chances that I’m going to have an acc...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...