A thought by Leonard Sweet, (2014-02-21) from his book, The Well-Played Life: Why Pleasing God Doesn't Have to Be Such Hard Wor k (p. 125). Tyndale Momentum. Kindle Edition. How do you handle it when you fall? I think it depends upon our maturity. Have you ever been with a child and they fall and they look up at you and say, “Why did you let me fall?” and they say it with a bit of anger. Kind of like when we fail at something and we look to heave with some anger and say to God, “Why did you let me fail?” But the mature Christian understands that it’s our fault and we stop and learn the lesson or ask for forgiveness. That’s where pride falls by the wayside and true humility comes in. Playing the blame game is a horrible way to live. Accepting our need for help from others and from God is the right way to live. Let’s understand that we are not perfect and we will blow it. So when you do, just get up, dust yoursel...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...