thought by Erwin Raphael McManus, (2003-09-04) from his book, Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul (Kindle Location 160). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
I understand how life can lose its passion.
It happens in many marriages.
What they once did out of excitement for the one they love turns in to
obligations and that can be dangerous.
have been dealing with this even in my writing this blog. I had gotten to the place that I was writing
it as a duty, a task. Because of that it
was becoming a burden instead of a passion, a privilege. Just acknowledging that has bought a change,
a renewed passion.
was talking the other day with someone about the importance of the husband and
wife relationship in a family. Oh I
understand the responsibility of being a parent. Those kids didn’t choose to be
a part of the family but your wife/husband did.
They chose to be your mate out of deep love, deep passion for you. That relationship is the most important one in
the family and its passion must be renewed continually or everyone in the
family will suffer.
course we still get up each morning and go to work but we must do it for the
right reason. I had somehow started to
do my writing for the wrong reason but then I saw the need to get back to the
right reason which was to bring Him glory, to encourage and enlighten His sheep
and to lead people to a personal relationship with Him. That is why I do what I do. It is not an obligation but a passion. I don’t have to do this. I do it because I have
a passion to do it for Him and for you but it also must be renewed continually.
God for giving me a renewed passion, for getting me back on track. Also thank you so very much for Margaret.
what passion have you slowly turned into an obligation?
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