“When following the rules becomes the principal focus of a church, then you can count on guilt being the primary motivator.”
A thought by Kyle Idleman (2011-05-24) from hid
book, Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus (p. 80). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
when I was a Minister of Youth and Music in a church in Phoenix, Arizona I had
with a group of friends season tickets to Arizona State University football
games. The football coach at that time
was a very negative coach. He used fear
as his motivator. It seemed his team was
always looking over their shoulder wondering if they were doing it wrong so
they were just a half a step behind.
that is the way it is when the church uses guilt to motivate. It seems they are always living in fear and
looking over their shoulder wondering what they are doing wrong. But that is not the motivation of the New
Testament. Through Christ’s death on the
cross we have been forgiven of our load of guilt. That is why He came.
We no
longer live by rules but by a relationship which is fueled by love. We serve Him out of love not out of
guilt. We are to follow not to be
driven. He is out ahead showing us the
way not behind us watching us waiting to show us where we have stepped of line. Ours is to be a forward look not an over the
shoulder look. There is so much freedom
and peace and excitement in that.
So which
way are you looking?
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