A thought by Steven Furtick, (2016-03-01) from his book, (UN)Qualified: How God Uses Broken People to Do Big Things (pp. 18-19). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title of the book to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) That really makes sense to me. Steven says, “That’s why it hurts so much when we fail, when we fall short. Our shortcomings seem to prove that we are fundamentally flawed, and that makes us question our value and our identity.” But he goes on, “God doesn’t see things the way we do. His scales, his standards, and his measuring devices aren’t calibrated the way ours are. But until we understand his way of thinking, we will look at our failures and successes as the sole indicators of our value. Inevitably that leads to exaggerated, constantly shifting conclusions about whether we are qualified or not. An identity that is informed by feelings of inadequacy is a dangerous thing.” I read a Psalm every day. It is one plac...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...