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"The greatest gap in life is the one between knowing and doing."

A thought by John C. Maxwell, (2013-10-08) from his book, Sometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn:Life's Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses (p. 219). Center Street. Kindle Edition. I am about to finish this book.   I have underlined and shared a lot of thoughts here on this blog but if that was all I did then it would just be entertainment and in a sense a waste of my time.   And I don’t have enough days here to live to waste them.   The key is, what am I going to do with what I have read and the same is true of you?   What are you doing with what you know? Now knowing is very important.   There are so many people who have died between their ears.   They are not challenged to learn.   They went to school and that part of their life they say is over.   But our brain didn’t go out of existence just because we finished going to school.   Knowing is very important but doing is the next step from knowing. I am challenging m...

"If you aren’t hungry for God, you are full of yourself."

A thought by Mark Batterson, (2013-09-24) from his book, All In: You Are One Decision Away From aTotally Different Life (Kindle Locations 151-152). Zondervan. Kindle Edition . Pretty searching statement.   Here is another one by Mark, “Here’s our fundamental problem: we try to do God’s job for Him. We want to do amazing things for God. And that seems noble, but we’ve got it backward. God wants to do amazing things for us.” If He does it we don’t get credit.   We are so full of ourselves but what if we hungered after Him and what He wanted to do?   I mean, it is amazing what we can do but compared to God. I had a moment a few years back when I was Pastoring in Las Vegas.   I happened to be up looking down on the Vegas valley and marveling at all that man had done.   All of the houses, all of the unbelievable Casinos and I then looked over to Lone Mountain, the smallest of all the mountains that surround the Vegas valley and in its smallness ...

"Success in life is: the learned ability to keep bouncing back."

A thought by John C. Maxwell, (2013-10-08) from his book, Sometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn:Life's Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses (p. 221). Center Street. Kindle Edition. If I can give you something that will make this a great year it is for you to see this as a reality in your life.   Life is tough.   John quotes Joseph Sugarman who says, “If you’re willing to consider failure as a blessing in disguise and bounce back, you’ve got the potential of harnessing one of the most powerful success forces.” That to me is faith being lived out.   How you bounce back says whether you believe God is good and God makes good out of every situation in a Christ-followers life or He doesn’t care.   If He doesn’t care then all of the bad that happens to you has no purpose behind it.   It just happens.   But if you believe that He has a plan for you and your life then no matter what happens to you goes through Him first and the purpose for it ...