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“Only in the moral and spiritual realm do we buy such nonsense.”

A thought by Larry Osborne, (2009-04-04) from his book, Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe (p. 74). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to to buy the book.) Larry says, “Underlying the idea that we have no right to judge the beliefs and moral standards of others is another widely held belief. It's the dogma that truth and morality are relative— the conviction that there are no universal spiritual truths and no universal moral standards. In other words, in the spiritual and moral realms, two diametrically opposing viewpoints or standards can both be true at the same time.” But what would happen if we took that view in other areas?   Larry says, “Imagine an engineering student arguing that his calculations don't matter as long as they work for him. Not many of us would drive over a bridge he designed. Or imagine your doctor giving you a handful of pills and telling you to take whichever ones ‘feel right.’”   But that

“God, indeed, does have a plan for all of us.”

A thought by Larry Osborne, (2009-04-04) from his book, Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe  (p. 70). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to to buy the book.) That is a tremendous fact for each one of us, God has a game plan for each one of us.   That can be a life changing fact for us to realize. But Larry says, “there are some fundamental parts of his game plan that we have to master in order to experience it. These fundamentals are made up of the clear, black-and-white commands of Scripture. They tell us explicitly what God wants us to do or not do in any situation— things like tell the truth, be kind, and always repay good for evil. No matter how deep the weeds or how difficult a decision or dilemma may be, the fundamentals can be counted on to steer us in the right direction. The most basic of all are the passages that go so far as to specifically state, ‘This is what God wants’ or ‘This is God's will.’ They are a

“To follow any game plan, especially God's game plan, we have to use our brain.”

A thought by Larry Osborne, (2009-04-04) from his book, Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe (p. 65). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. ( Click on the title to go to to buy the book.) Have you ever wondered why God gave us a brain?   It is because he wants us to use it.   Granted many of us don’t use it much but God did give it to us to be used. Larry says, “The facts always matter, even in the spiritual realm.” He then says, “Biblical faith is not illogical. It doesn't deny or ignore the facts. It fits the facts. Certainly we might not always understand what God is up to or how doing things his way can possibly work out in a particular situation. But I would suggest that it is never illogical to do what God clearly tells us to do. It's the most logical thing in the world.” He goes on to say, “The real issue we all face is determining if our latest crazy idea is really from God or not. In other words, was that dream from the Lord or