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“The starting place for finding God's will is obeying the commands and instructions we already know.”

A thought by Larry Osborne, (2009-04-04) from his book, Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe (p. 64). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. ( Click on the title to go to to buy the book.) This is what we really want to know isn’t it?   Where do we start in finding God’s will for our live?   Larry says, “The starting place for finding God's will is obeying the commands and instructions we already know. The pathway of obedience always leads to further light. It's what I like to call the dimmer switch principle. If we obey the light we have, we get more. If we disobey the light we have, we get less.” He then says, “That helps to explain why it's such a waste of time to seek God's leading for a major crossroads decision if we are currently disobeying him in the things we already know. We can pray all we want. But if we're in the midst of high-handed disobedience, God won't answer. In fact, he actually calls such prayers detestabl

“The fact is, God doesn't have a blueprint for our life.”

A thought by Larry Osborne, (2009-04-04) from his book, Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe (p. 57). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. ( Click on the title to go to to buy the book.) But God does have a blueprint for my life.  Doesn't he? Larry says, “The problem stems from a concept many of us have been taught from birth. We've been led to believe that God has a highly detailed blueprint for our life that includes a specific, preordained job, career, house, spouse, car— and everything in between. As a result, we spend a lot of time looking for that special person, place, or thing that we think God has set aside just for us. It's the egg we hunt for. But that egg doesn't exist. The idea of a detailed blueprint for our life is a myth. It confuses God's omniscience with his divine will. No question, God knows everything, down to the number of hairs on our head. But that doesn't mean he has a plan for how many we have or that w

“Parenting is a tough job. Advice is easy. So is critique.”

A thought by Larry Osborne, (2009-04-04) from his book, Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe (p. 52). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. ( Click on the title to go to to buy the book.) It really is.   My dad said that advice not asked for stinks.   And that is true.   It is so easy to give advice especially if you don’t have any experience, have you noticed that?   But Proverbs also says that there is safety in many counselors.   And that is good advice.   In following up on this thought Larry says, “But for those of us in the midst of the battle, it's not so simple. Things that sound easy in a seminar or Bible study are usually a lot more nuanced in real life… I'm reminded of the simple advice to keep my cool and never discipline my children in anger. Sounds good. Makes sense. But I, for one, could never figure out how to pull it off. What was I supposed to do? Wait until we were all having a good time— then bam!?” He then goes on, “Rath