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"... a faith that inflates during difficult times."

A thought by Louie Giglio, from his book,  Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table .   (p. 17). Thomas Nelson, Kindle Edition.  (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.)   That is what we also need. Louie says, "I look at Paul and Silas; at Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; and at all the people throughout Scripture who encountered times of intense trouble yet went bigger with their faith, and I marvel. The prophet Habakkuk stated it clearly when he cried out:  Fig tree " ' Even though the fig trees have no fruit and no grapes grow on the vines, even though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no grain, even though the sheep all die and the cattle stalls are empty, I will still be joyful and glad, because the LORD God is my savior.' (Habakkuk 3:17–18 GNT)" He goes on, "The last two lines indicate huge faith. And did you notice the two phrases repeated three times in Habakkuk’s prayer?  " Even though . . . I will . . . "

"The harmful thoughts were coming from someone else."

A thought by Louie Giglio, from his book, Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table .   (p. 5). Thomas Nelson, Kindle Edition.  (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.) Now that is an interesting thought. Louie says, " The Enemy had taken a seat at my table, and I was allowing myself to listen to a killer. Right there in my driveway, I determined to take back my table. The Devil would have to flee." He goes on, "In the days that followed, my mind was riveted on those nine words. As negative thoughts would enter my mind, I’d say to myself, Don’t give the Enemy a seat. Don’t entertain his ideas. These thoughts are not from a good and trustworthy Shepherd. Move on. "Soon after, I was led to study Psalm 23—a text that has comforted and steadied God’s people through the ages as they have navigated troubled waters. Now I was seeing it through fresh eyes. Especially the line that reads, 'You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies&