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Showing posts with the label Intentional Living

“Anticipation is a key that unlocks the doors to abundance thinking.”

A thought by John C. Maxwell (2015-10-06) from his book, Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters (p. 227). Center Street. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title of the book to go to to buy the book.) Again, here is the word anticipation and also the word doors. John says, “’Doors?’ you may be asking. ‘Don’t you mean door?’ No. Expecting there to be only one door is scarcity thinking. Let me explain how anticipation begins and grows in your life.” This is very good so read on what John says, “There is a door of opportunity before you. Maybe you see it; maybe you don’t. But it is there. If you have positive anticipation, you assume it’s there, and you make the effort to find it, and if you are diligent in that effort, you will find it. But know this. It may be locked, and it may require a lot of effort for you to unlock it and walk through it. Are you willing to give it a try? Do you believe you can? Some people will try and some people won’t. I hope you’

“Anticipation helps us possess an abundance mindset.”

A thought by John C. Maxwell (2015-10-06) from his book, Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters (p. 226). Center Street. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title of the book to go to to buy the book.) I love the word anticipation.   It is to me a gift from God in which we look into each day with God’s possibilities in mind.   John says, “People live in one of two different kinds of worlds. One world comes from having a scarcity mindset. You cannot give what you do not have. Scarcity thinking has nothing to give. It is preoccupied with receiving. Scarcity thinking is all about me. It says, ‘There’s not enough to go around. I had better get something for myself and hold on to it with all I have.’ People who live in the world of scarcity think, There’s only one pie, so I’d better get as big a slice as I can before it’s all gone.” That’s one world.   John then says, “People who live in the world of abundance think very differently. They know there’s always m

“I had made the same mistake most people make about dreams.”

A thought by John C. Maxwell (2015-10-06) from his book, Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters (p. 178). Center Street. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title of the book to go to to buy the book.) This thought by John caught my attention.   He says, “I thought, if you believe it, you can achieve it . But that’s not always true. A dream requires a partner: commitment.” But I thought that if I had a dream, an exciting dream then it would pull me a long then I would fulfill it.   That is the power of a dream, isn’t that true? John goes on to say, “Dreams are free.”   Ok, I got that. “However, the journey to fulfill them isn’t. You have to work for your dream. Your dream doesn’t work for you. You have to work with the dream and for the dream.   The dream is a promise of what you can be, but commitment is the reality of what you will become. What starts as a promise ends as a commitment.” It’s like a wedding ceremony.   All of those love songs m