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Showing posts with the label Intentional Living

“When you stop loving people, you stop serving them well.”

A thought by John C. Maxwell (2015-10-06) from his book, Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters (p. 176). Center Street. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title of the book to go to to buy the book.) Now we are pretty good at judging whether other people are loving and serving us well but that’s not up to us.   We have no control over others but we do have control over us.   That is what we need to be judging. John says, “If you’re wondering, Why aren’t others serving me? it becomes a source of discontent. And if you’re a leader, you forfeit your leadership effectiveness.” Leading up to this thought He said, “I believe most people who try to make a difference start out with the right motives and attitudes. As a result, the people they help gain a tremendous amount from them. But what often starts to occur is a shift in thinking, from I want to help people to I want people to help me. This is especially destructive when this shift occurs in the leaders.

“Almost everything you and I want is on the other side of fear.”

A thought by John C. Maxwell (2015-10-06) from his book, Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters (p. 172). Center Street. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title of the book to go to to buy the book.) Do you know what is on the other side of fear?   It is faith. John says, “The lesson I teach most often on faith is this: feed your faith and starve your fear. To do that you must give your faith more energy than your fear. You can’t reduce fear by thinking about it. You reduce it by taking action away from it. How? By moving toward faith.” He goes on, “Most people ask God for knowledge first, and then move. God wants us to move first and then He gives us knowledge. God asked Moses to go back to Egypt. Moses didn’t understand why. And he didn’t want to go. But after he did go back to Egypt, he understood what God was doing. The biggest mistake people of faith make is feeling God owes them an explanation. God owes us nothing.” John quotes Philip Yancey w

“There is no significance without sacrifice.”

A thought by John C. Maxwell (2015-10-06) from his book, Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters (p. 170). Center Street. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title of the book to go to to buy the book.) You want to do something that matters.   You want to do something that causes someone to say thanks. You want to make a difference with something you do.   You do, don’t you?   Well, there will be some sacrifice in there. John says, “If you want to live a life of significance, you will have to give up some things. The pathway of possibility is filled with trade-offs. Why? Because there is no significance without sacrifice.” He goes on, “But the good news is that as you trade one thing for another, you will be moving toward a better and more fulfilling way of life, whether making a difference means making the decision to start a family or making radical changes to your everyday life.” John then says, “I looked back at all of the trade-offs I’d made, and