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“The path toward wisdom is not taken by steps but by choices.”

A thought by Erwin Raphael McManus from his book, The Way of the Warrior (p. 33). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to to buy the book.) So, what path are your choices taking you? Erwin says, “The fool lives to consume all they can take from the world. The wise live to create a better world. The way of the warrior is to choose the path of nobility. The warrior also understands that wisdom is gained not in a moment but in an endless number of moments in which choices must be made. He then says, “When you choose to take, you choose the path of the fool. When you choose to give, you choose the way of the wise.” He goes on, “The warrior never fights out of anger; they fight only out of honor. They never fight to conquer; they fight only to liberate. The warrior fights against evil so that good may prevail. Wisdom is revealed by what a person fights for. If you fight for yourself, you have given yourself to too small

“Wisdom is hard to define but easy to identify.”

A thought by Erwin Raphael McManus from his book, The Way of the Warrior (p. 29). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to to buy the book.) Oh, we need wisdom, don’t we? Erwin says, “It cannot be purchased or easily gained. You may overpower an enemy and yet still die a fool. While there are many expressions of wisdom, for our purposes it will be defined as the ability to bring peace. When the warrior is wise, they fight only for peace. The proof of their victory is that they have created a world where what is good and beautiful and true prevails. The fool is the enemy of wisdom. The fool is driven by greed and power and violence. The fool uses their weapons to harm, injure, and destroy. The warrior wields a weapon only to defend, protect, and liberate. “The warrior does not wield a weapon; they are a weapon. Their strength does not come from the weapons they hold but from the wisdom that has taken hold of them. The n

“Where there is peace, there is no fear.”

A thought by Erwin Raphael McManus from his book, The Way of the Warrior (p. 27). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to to buy the book.) There are so many things in our life that have the potential for us to be afraid.   I know for many it is the fear of war. Erwin says, “Jesus said there would always be wars and rumors of war. (Matthew 24:6; Mark 13:7.)   History has sadly proven him right. All around us wars wage—nation against nation, tribe against tribe, people against people, brother against brother. Human history is like a fire out of control. It seems that violence will always rage and that peace will always elude us. Yet Jesus was equally convinced that he knew the way to peace and that peace would in the end stand as victory. “For wars to end, there would have to be the end of violence. “For violence to cease, there would have to be the end of hatred and greed. “For hatred and greed to breathe their