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“It took 220 years after the pencil was invented for someone to invent the eraser.”

A thought by Bob Goff, from his book, Dream Big Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to to buy the book.) That is an interesting thought that I didn’t know. Bob says, “I’m glad they did because I’ve erased in my life much more than I’ve kept. We all get to do this. We take what we’ve written about ourselves, what we truly believe God thinks of us, and decide what to keep and what to erase. We’re not the only author of our lives either. Like the ones who have signed the pages of a high school yearbook, other people who have intersected our journey have written over us too. Some of what they said is true and beautiful and lasting. Other things not so much. ‘Never change’ was written in my yearbook by at least a dozen people. It’s the worst advice I’ve ever received. We’re supposed to change constantly—into kinder, humbler, more faithful versions of our old selves. This change and growth happens when we sort out the truth from the lies in